Jaguar XJ6 Oct 1986 - Sept 1994 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

20 августа 2012, посмотрело: 4698

Jaguar XJ6 Oct 1986 - Sept 1994 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Jaguar XJ6 1986-1994 гг. выпуска оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 3.2 litre (3239 cc), 3.6 litre (3590 cc) & 4.0 litre (3980 cc) six-cylinder in-line dohc petrol engines and automatic transmission

Saloon with 6-cyl DOHC engines and automatic transmission, Oct 86 - Sept 94, D to M 3.2 litre (3239cc), 3.6 litre (3590cc) and 4.0 litre (3980cc)
Covers most features of Daimler 3.6 and 4.0 litre models.

Does NOT cover 2.9 litre SOHC engine, Does NOT cover manual transmission or XJR models

Keep your Jaguar in perfect running order and maintain it's value with this service and repair manual. Haynes shows you how and saves you money. This manual is a must, gives you step by step instructions clearly linked to hundreds of photos and illustrations. Tasks graded by difficulty and experience level. Hints, tips and shortcuts that make the job easier, also ways of removing parts without special tools. Written from hands on experince based on the strip down and rebuild using commonly available tools.

Inside Jaguar XJ6 Oct 1986 - Sept 1994 Haynes Service and Repair Manual:
Basic maintenance - simple weekly checks
Service your car - complete step-by-step guide
Fault finding - pinpoint specific problems
Engine - tune-up, minor and major repairs
Braking system - safety checks and repairs
Fuel and Ignition systems - explained
Electrical system - fault finding and repairs
Wiring diagrams - easy-to-follow layout
Reference section - includes Dimensions & Weights
Roadside Emergencies - how to deal with them
Pass the MOT - step-by-step test checks
Fully Indexed - find information quickly
Step-by-step instructions - clearly linked to hundreds of photos & illutrations show you how to do each job
Spanner ratings - grade all tasks by difficulty and experience level
Haynes Hints - give valuable tips & short-cuts that help make the job easier
Tool tips - contain useful information such as ways of removing parts without using special tools

Written from Hands on experience - based on a complete stripdown and rebuild of the vehicle using commonly-available tools. Keep your Car in perfect running order and maintain it's value. Haynes shows you how and saves you money.

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Jaguar XJ6 Oct 1986 - Sept 1994 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

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