Руководство по ремонту автомобиля Ford Expedition / Ford F-150 / Ford F-250 / Lincoln Navigator (год выпуска с 1997 по 2002). Включает в себя электрические схемы и диаграммы. На английском языке, с иллюстрациями. Рассматриваются модели 2WD и 4WD. Provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for 1997-2009 Ford Pick-Ups, Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator automobiles. Two wheel drive, four wheel drive, gasoline engines. This book does not cover Diesel engines.
Total Car Care is the most complete, step-by-step automotive repair manual you'll ever use. All repair procedures are supported by detailed specifications, exploded views, and photographs.
Here are just a few of the items in this manual that make your repair jobs easier
• Expanded index to quickly locate information
• Wiring diagrams
• Diagnostic charts
• Troubleshooting charts
• A glossary to identify those unfamiliar terms.
From the simplest repair procedure to the most complex, trust Chilton's Total Car Care to give you everything you need to do the job.
Save time and money by doing it yourself, with the confidence only a Chilton Repair Manual can provide.
General Information, Routine Maintenance & Tune-Up, Engine & Engine Overhaul, Driveability & Emission Controls, Trouble Codes & Diagnostics, Fuel System, Chassis Electrical, Drive, Suspension & Steering, Brakes, Body and full Glossary.
Download "Ford Ford Pick-Ups Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator 1997-2009 Chilton Repair Manual"

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