Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

10 января 2021, посмотрело: 3316

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems concentrates on core technologies to provide the essential information required to understand how different vehicle systems work. It gives a complete overview of the components and workings of a vehicle from the engine through to the chassis and electronics. It also explains the necessary tools and equipment needed in effective car maintenance and repair, and relevant safety procedures are included throughout. In full colour and including examples of the latest Formula 1 technology, this is the guide no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without.

Designed to make learning easier, this book contains:

•Photographs, flow charts and quick reference tables
•Detailed diagrams and clear descriptions that simplify the more complicated topics and aid revision
•Useful margin features throughout, including definitions, key facts and ‘safety first’ considerations

Format: PDF
Language: English
ISBN10: 0080969453
Pages: 528
OCR Quality

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

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Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

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