Provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for 1990-00 Mitsubishi Galant/Mirage/Diamante.
Total Car Care is the most complete, step-by-step automotive repair manual you'll ever use. All repair procedures are supported by detailed specifications, exploded views, and photographs.
Mitsubishi - Galant / Mirage / Diamante 1990 - 2000 Chilton Owners Service & Repair Manual covers the following USA and Canadian models:
Mirage 1990 - 2000 with the following engines:• 1.5 Litre (1468 cc) "4G15" SOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 1.6 litre (1595 cc) "4G61" DOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 1.8 litre (1834 cc) "4G93" SOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection
Galant 1990 - 2000 (including 4WD model 1990-1993) with the following engines:2.0 litre (1997 cc) "4G63" SOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 2.0 litre (1997 cc) "4G63" DOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 2.0 litre (1997 cc) "4G63" DOHC 4 cylinder turbocharged petrol with fuel injection• 2.4 litre (2350 cc) "4G64" SOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 2.4 litre (2350 cc) "4G64" DOHC 4 cylinder petrol with fuel injection• 3.0 litre (2972 cc) "6G72" SOHC V6 petrol with fuel injection
Diamante 1992 - 2000 with the following engines:• 3.0 litre (2972 cc) "6G72" SOHC V6 petrol with fuel injection• 3.0 litre (2972 cc) "6G72" DOHC V6 petrol with fuel injection• 3.5 litre (3497 cc) "6G74" SOHC V6 petrol with fuel injection
Download Mitsubishi Galant Mirage Diamante 1990-2000 Chilton Repair Manual
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