В данном руководстве рассмотрены эксплуатация и ремонт автомобиля Ford Capri II (Форд Капи второго и третьего поколения) с 1974 по 1987 год выпуска. В книге описан ремонт автомобилей с бензиновыми двигателями 2.8 & 3.0 V6. Язык английский.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0857336940
Haynes number 1309
Haynes manuals are something of an institution, and all describe a strip-down and rebuild of a new vehicle. The procedures to carry out a particular task (for example the replacement of the steering ball-joints) are fully described, with descriptive photographs or line-drawings, including exploded views where necessary. Each task is graded according to its difficulty, from one spanner for easy to five spanners for a task which should really have been given to your local specialist garage, but which you can try if you are feeling brave. Each manual has a section on fault finding, a glossary of technical terms and an index. See the description below from the book’s rear cover.
Each volume is bound in glazed pictorial boards, and is printed on paper which shows a tendency to brown at the edges. Also please bear in mind that these are secondhand copies, and may well have the odd oily thumb-print on the page you are looking at.
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