Subaru 1985-1996 Chilton Repair Manual

17 ноября 2012, посмотрело: 4280

Subaru 1985-1996 Chilton Repair Manual

The Chilton Total Car Care Repair Manual covers all models of the Subaru Brat GL, DL, GL, GL-10, Impreza, Impreza Brighton, Impreza L, LS, LX, and Outback; Justy DL, GL, and RS; Legacy, Legacy Brighton, Legacy GT, L, L Alpine, L Outdoor, L Sunsport, LS, LS SP, LSI, Outback, Postal, and Sport; Loyale, Loyale RS, RX, SVX 4X4, SVX L, SVX LS, SVX LSI, SVX LSL, Standard, XT DL, GL, GL-10, and XT6 for the Years 1985-1996

Chilton Total Car Care is the most comprehensive step-by-step automotive repair manual you will ever use. All repair procedures are supported by detailed specifications, exploded views, and photographs. From the simplest repair procedure to the most complex, trust Chilton's Total Car Care to give you everything you need to get the job done. Do-it-yourselfers can save time and money by completing repairs themselves, with the confidence only a Chilton Repair Manual can provide. Each manual covers all makes and models, unless other wise indicated.

Expanded index to quickly locate information
Wiring diagrams
diagnostic charts
Glossary to identify unfamiliar terms

Chilton offers complete automotive repair manuals for the do-it-yourself or professional mechanic. Each manual provides easy to read, fully illustrated information on all auto repair procedures, e.g. chassis, transmission, exhaust, brakes, suspension, electrical, drive train, engine - it's all there! Also, find auto repair manuals for most vintage, and import makes - from 1945 to present. All of our repair manuals are available via print, CD-ROM or online format.

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Subaru 1985-1996 Chilton Repair Manual

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Категория: Subaru, Руководства по ремонту автомобилей

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