Volkswagen Polo 1994 - 1999 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

22 августа 2012, посмотрело: 6945

Volkswagen Polo 1994 - 1999 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

VW Volkswagen Polo 1994 - 1999 Haynes Owners Service & Repair Manual covers: Hatchback including special/limited editions.
The Volkswagen Polo Mk3 is known as a third generation of the Volkswagen Polo supermini, made out of 1994 until late 1999 a lot of in 2000. Previously it was produced in two forms, the initial car (1994-2000) being referred to as a Mark 4 or IIII, as well as the facelifted version (2000-2002) referred to as Mark 4 Phase II or unofficially due to the fact Mark 3F or IIIF.

The third generation Polo (known internally for the reason that Typ 6N) was launched in September 1994, and must have been a completely new model/chassis because of the old Polo, although early versions used the engines with all the Mark 2. The Mark 4 was the very first Polo to always be made available as a five-door plus three-door hatchback; we were holding a built in 1995-1999.

The working platform used for this model used a modified version belonging to the floorpan of the Volkswagen Golf Mark 3, as did the SEAT Ibiza Mk2. A great number of mechanical parts as well as the suspension components were intechangeable associated with the three models. Even so the dashboard and a number of mechanical components, including engines, were shared with the Ibiza, outwardly the Polo models were entirely different with no body panels shared together with the SEAT model.

Petrol Engines covered:
1.0 litre (999 cc) SOHC (AER & ALL)
1.0 litre (1043 cc) SOHC (AEV)
1.3 litre (1296 cc) SOHC (ADX)
1.4 litre (1390 cc) SOHC (AEX, AKV, ANX & APQ)
1.6 litre (1598 cc) SOHC (AEA & AEE)

Diesel Engines covered:
1.7 litre (1716 cc) (AHG & AKU)
1.9 litre (1896 cc) (AEF & AGD)

DOES NOT cover 1.4 litre 16-valve engine
DOES NOT cover Polo Classic (Saloon), Estate or Polo Caddy

Inside this manual you will find: Routine Maintenance, tune-up procedures, engine repair, cooling and heating, air-conditioning, fuel and exhaust, emissions control, ignition, brakes, suspension and steering, electrical systems and wiring diagrams.

Haynes repair manuals can save you money on maintenance and repair bills. Step-by-step procedures and illustrations guide you through every job, from basic maintenance and troubleshooting, to complete teardown & rebuild.

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Volkswagen Polo 1994 - 1999 Haynes Service and Repair Manual

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Категория: Volkswagen, Руководства по ремонту автомобилей

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